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Customer Value Proposition (CVP) White Paper

The CVP is the tool and contract defining the agreed arbitrage between supplier and customer, between service level offering and demand.

The CVP is the first step of a comprehensive network design, as it drives both the logistics and customer requirements and finally the customer’s ordering behaviour. Thus, the CVP is a critical input for structuring the logistics and supply chain process and it is of utmost importance to keep it front of mind, to prevent degradation of the service performance over time.

Value can be added for both sides by understanding the customers’ needs and what it takes to serve them most effectively, driving increased sales and reduced transport costs. Therefore, a focused CVP can drive down logistics costs, bolster customer loyalty and attract new potential markets.

The attached white paper presents the key concepts behind maintaining a competitive and cost effective CVP, illustrated by HP concrete client examples.

Download the full CVP white paper here:

Sales and Marketing Alignment White Paper

The disconnect between Sales & Marketing departments of Branded companies can result in diminishing returns and sub-optimal spend of allocated funds.

By driving a data-centric process of measurement with a common framework, and continuously monitoring performance, Sales and Marketing teams can begin to “speak the same language” and collaborate more productively. The insights generated can fundamentally change the direction of campaigns and customer behaviour.

This process has a lasting effect on alignment by being embedded into an annual budgetary review cycle. Most importantly, it has a significant impact on the bottom line, by driving improved market share performance with the same or even less advertising and promotional (A&P) spend.

Download the full Sales and Marketing Alignment white paper here:

Sales and Marketing Alignment White Paper

Supply Chain Savvy Buyer White Paper

Supply Chain procurement is fairly unique in the portfolio of goods and services categories purchased by Industrial Corporates. It is large, complex, and usually only thoroughly practiced every 3 to 5 years – in the best of cases.

The Supply Chain Service Providers’ industry is increasingly dominated by large players who control and command the assets, the intellectual capital and the human resources, tilting the balance of power their way.

Effective spend of supply chain budgets therefore requires a scarce combination of skills: a good command of large B-to-B procurement processes and a good understanding of the nuts and bolts of logistics.

Download the full Supply Chain Savvy Buyer white paper here:

Supply Chain Savvy Buyer White Paper

African Route to Market White Paper

As African markets mature and competition increases on the continent, the customary roles of Manufacturers and Distributors are being challenged. Manufacturers and brand owners are looking for ways to control their route-to-market more deeply and thoroughly, moving away from a relying on a few regional Distributors to supply local markets.

Technology makes it possible to establish that deeper reach, transforming Distributors into logistics service providers, cooperatively or not. Over and above technology, such RTM transformations require concerted shifts in mindset and in the activities of all downstream functions, with determined conviction.

Haute Performance has assisted many clients both in executing such RTM transformations and establishing greenfield RTM in the case of new market entry. The proven methodologies and “tricks of the trade” are discussed in the balance of this paper.

Download the full African Route to Market white paper here:

African Route to Market White Paper